
Aspiring author Kisha Marc-Charles, known affectionately as Kaye, hails from the Tarhills of North Carolina. After serving honorably in the United States Air Force, Kaye transitioned to her true calling as an educator, leaving imprints of inspiration in classrooms across Richmond, Virginia, Dallas, Texas, and her current home in Houston, Texas.
As a middle school teacher, Kaye’s classroom has been described as “a bit louder than others but it works!” She contributes this to her openness to allow students to still be kids, as long as they do it while reading and writing, too!”
Outside the classroom, Kaye’s passion for storytelling continues to blossom. An aspiring author, she crafts multicultural worlds that explore mythology, folklore, and magic themes. Her current work in progress swims off the pages, captivating young readers with vivid imagery and heartfelt storytelling.
In addition to her roles as an educator and writer, Kaye serves as the Co-regional Advisor for the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, guiding a dynamic community of over 500 regional members. In this capacity, she organizes community activities, retreats, and webinars for budding authors and illustrators.
In every role she embodies – soldier, educator, writer – Kaye continues to strive for excellence and honor in all she does.
Society of Children's Book Writers (SCBWI)